There are couple of scenarios involving MX records.1. You want all emails for your domain to go...
How can I check my email through my web browser (webmail)?To access webmail goto:
How do I check why my mailbox is taking so much space? How do I remove unwanted emails from it?You can login to your mailbox (email account) via webmail at this...
How do I create a POP Email account?1. Login to your control panel ( Select "Add/Remove POP Email...
How do I reduce the SPAM? I am receiving too much spam (unsolicited emails).1. First thing you need to do is remove catchall email for your domain. Please create proper...
How do I setup a SPAM Block/Filtering system?Our Cpanel has a built in feature, which allows you to block these email messages in a multitude...
How do I setup an email auto responder?1. Login to your control panel ( Select "Setup...
How many emails can I send?You are allowed to send maximum of 1000 emails/hour from your account. This is a safe limit to...
How much email am I allowed to store?The amount of email you store on your account is counted against your overall storage quota.To...
How to automatically delete emails marked as spam by SpamAssassin?Spam BoxYou can enable spam box from the SpamAssassin configuration screen in cpanel, and...
I am in a different timezone, how can I view my correct time in webmail?You can set your timezone in both webmail interfaces:In Squirrelmail : Options : Personal...
I am not receiving new emails?Please login to your control panel (at http://yourdomain/cpanel) and make sure1) Your email...
I am unable to send email and get this error (0x800CCC65) 503 valid RCPT command must precede DATA'Your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server has reported an internal error. If you continue to receive...
I am unable to send email to yahoo or the emails to yahoo are being delayed?This is a new feature of yahoo mail. It is using what is called Grey Listing to fight spam. For...
I am unable to send mail through my mail (SMTP) server?This usually indicates that there is a network problem on your end or your ISP (internet...
I want my emails forwarded without leaving a copy of the email at the forwarding email address on my server?If you want your emails to only get forwarded to your forwarder email address and do not want to...
I want to use default address (catchall) because I have setup aliases for various companies?Some users think that by setting up aliases like [email protected] and...
Someone using my email (domain) to send bulk mail (spam)? I am getting a lot of returned emails.This is called "collateral spam" and is mostly used these days by spammers. This is normal. There...
What is Default Address?The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your...
What is an Email POP account?You configure a "private" email account for one or many users who will be receiving and sending...
What is an email auto responder?Email auto responders will automatically send a customized auto response (that you compose) to...
What is email forwarding?Email forwarding is a feature, which forwards an email that originated from your domain, to...
What is the maximum size of email I can send/receive?For our shared/sdx/reseller hosting, and users with cpanel on their vps/dedicated, the maximum...